Sunday, August 30, 2015

8/29/15 Saturday August 29, 2015 (weighted pull-ups, push-ups, DB 28kg carries)

Writing this on Sunday night.  Got to this training in the morning on Saturday with the kids before swimming lessons and a soccer coaching clinic.  Big day but got this in and got it done.

Hanging from rings

2 pull-ups (rings)
5 push-ups

3 pull-ups
5 push-ups

5 pull-ups
5 push-ups

Weighted pull-ups, with an 8kg KB


Weighted pull-ups with a 12kg KB


10 reps total for weighted pull-ups

5 push-ups
5 push-ups

Break for 5 hours or so

DB 28kg farmer carries, 3 sets, about 90 seconds or more for each set

This was good. The changes in technique that Kevin showed me on the weighted pull-ups with my feet are big, and really are making this less strenuous on my low back / obliques which is very good.  Making this more of an upper-body exercise which is what it needs to be.  Everything felt pretty good actually and I am very encouraged.  Ready to move up to DB 32kgs on the carries for the next session as well.  Good day.

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