Sunday, March 1, 2015

2/28/15 Saturday February 28, 2015 (pull-ups, push-ups, playing with the kids)

Writing this late Sunday night.  Got this work done Saturday morning and did it with my kids again at the lake, before we went and had brunch together.  This is a great habit we have formed and I am going to keep this up with them.

Hanging from bar
Hip mobility

7 pull-ups
5 push-ups (3 regular, 2 lizard for all)

6 pull-ups
5 push-ups

5 pull-ups
5 push-ups

5 pull-ups
5 push-ups

4 pull-ups
5 push-ups

Lots of helping the kids and running around the trees in between all of the above.  Probably took us 30 or 40 minutes.

Total pull-ups - 27, up 1 from last week.  25 push-ups, same as last week.  These pull-ups were not hard.  My R shoulder, now mainly realized it is the lat, armpit, tricep, is very tight, about the tightest it has been in a long, long time.  This is causing the tighness in the scalenes as well on the R side neck, pec.  It's all related.  I stretched and stretched, hanging from the rings, which helped a ton.  It's an odd thing because the pull-ups felt great, so did push-ups, this tightness is not bothering anything and in fact moving around seems to help it.  I have been doing some thinking about this today and decided that I need to re-focus on mobility work including doing some exercises from my Pain Free book that helped me a ton last summer in working through some stress that causes muscle pain and tightness. Exercises are focused on opening up tight hips, inner thighs etc. which tend to have an impact on shoulders.  I took a brisk walk today around the lake and certainly my R hip has been very tight lately, and I think this is related to what is going on - I need to open up that hip.  Also my R ankle has felt tight as well so I think there is just some mobility issues going on that need immediate attention and better focus.  I suspect this is a result of stress as it usually is.  I have been working my ass off for months and things may be catching up to me.  I also think there is something having to do with single kettlebell work, as opposed to doubles, that seems to bring out certain issues like this.  I have not quite figured out why but I suspect the movements require more stability on the off side of the body than doubles, and the asymmetrical loads may bring out certain movement issues I have.  It's probably all the more reason to stick with single bell work, to figure some of this shit out, but it's currently frustrating me greatly.

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