Wednesday, January 7, 2015

1/7/15 Wednesday January 7, 2015 (DB FSQ, SW 24kgs Complex for time)

8:00am - FMS drills (belly breathing, soft tissue work, t-spine, 1/2 kneeling) - 30 minutes

8:40am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm

Arm bar 12 kg, 1+1
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:55am - Training session - DB FSQ, DB SW 24kgs complex, 20 minutes

24kg TGU, 1/1 to the knee
24kg GSq, 5
24kg 2H SW, 10, x 2

DB FSQ, DB SW 24kgs complex, 4 DB FSQ, 4 DB SW, as many sets as possible, 20 minutes

12 sets

Totals 48 DB FSQ, 48 DB SW (up from 3/3 x 15, 45 / 45 total last week)

24kg 2H SW, 10, x 2

9:30am - Complete

Notes - Alright, other than another not impressive example of being tired and not getting up like I told myself I would do, this was good.  Had a pretty damn stressful evening last night, as my phone blew up and after running to the AT&T store, then the Apple store, and then back to AT&T I had a new phone and was up and running.  It only took 4 HOURS.  Had to do some deep breaths as at one point my old phone got wiped and I thought I had lost everything on there (fortunately I have backups).  Boy, we are sure wedded to our phones aren't we?  At least I am.  Anyway, I was tight in the R pec this morning, lots of presses Monday and this is an area of mobility focus for me.  Damn those arm bars help a TON.  I have really been focused on these and they are great.  The 16kg increase from the 12kg has been big.  I actually think it may be a good idea to go to the 20kg, just to test it, and perhaps use it for the crooked arm bar.  There is no need to go "heavy" as these are mobility movements, not to load up, but I notice the extra load I think is good for me because it challenges the stabilization and that's a good thing.  Will test tomorrow.  As far as the main training, I threw in some extra swings today, need to keep a decent volume of those to offset all of this heavy work with doubles.  The squats were excellent.  DB swings are always a challenge for me, the wide stance at times has a way of getting my right kneecap to tweak a bit and that did happen today.  I was very focused on technique and it was not a problem, but something to watch.  I probably could use a couple of "knee health" movements to make sure I am working during this squat cycle. Will ask Kevin. 

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