Thursday, August 7, 2014

8/7/14 Thursday August 7, 2014 (20kgTGU/40kgHSP, 20kg SW/SN)

6:30am - FMS drills (belly breathing, soft tissue work, t-spine, 1/2 kneeling) - 45 minutes with kids waking up

7:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm

Arm bar 12 kg, 2+2
Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses, 1/1

7:30am - Training session - 20kg TGU  / 40kg Hike Swing Park, 20kg SW / SN

20kg TGU, 1/1
40kg HSP, 5 singles

20kg SW / SN ladder

5 SW, 5 SN (each arm)
4 SW, 6 SN
3 SW, 7 SN
2 SW, 8 SN
1 SW, 9 SN
10 SN

45 SW, 45 SN each arm

7:55am - Complete

Notes - This was easy, damn easy actually.  That is a bit odd but I have to take this as a great sign that things are working and I am ready to keep the progress going.  Great reps on the SN with the R hand.  Really keeping the bell very tight, pulling back with the trap, popping that straight up the body into lockout.  Very, very nice.  Nearly as good on the L, but that is my "strong" (as opposed to "stronger") side and it is a little more challenging for me to get the same smooth groove and power.  Mainly I notice I am not as solid in the hike on the L side, I think I am very powerful on the R and it really helps get my hips into the movement and makes it that much easier.   I could continue to work heavy 1H SW hard and pay particular attention to getting a deep hip hinge with the bell in the L hand, I know that would help the SN.  All in all this is great.  Swinging the 40kg for H/S/P - a bitch.  Good stuff.

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