Sunday, July 6, 2014

7/6/14 Sunday July 6, 2014 (interval running, pullups, pushups)

Busy all weekend with my kids until mid day Sunday.  Great 4th of July bbq at the house on Friday night despite the rain, with the neighbors.  A good week where I was able to take most of Tuesday and Thurs off and hang with the kids.  We did a lot of fun stuff this week.  I think all of that time has been great for my mental state, and that is helping physically a lot.  It's a good thing too as Jill and I have a mediation appt on Tuesday and we meet tomorrow to go over everything in advance of the appt.  Obviously that is on my mind, but I think it is going to turn out ok.  As far as training goes things are really coming around.  I decided to act on my instinct to further shorten the distance/time intervals for running, and really turn this into what they are generally supposed to be - sprinting, or at least the best I can muster for something that passes as sprinting:)

1 min sprint, 1 minute walk, 5 SL DLs, 1 min sprint, 1 minute walk, pull-ups, push-ups - 5 rounds.

Pull ups were 5,4,3,3,2 - Fighter pull up style.  Using rings.  A total of 17 pull ups, up one from last week as planned.

Push-ups were 2,3,3,4,5 - opposite rep scheme of the pull-ups.  Up one rep from last week as planned.

10 minutes of sprinting, 10 minutes of walking, 25/25 SLDLs, 17 pullups, 17 pushups.

Didn't need to hang on the rings as much as last week - felt much looser in the lats, not nearly as tight.  Great sign. With that said, lots of mobility planned this evening, need a fast recovery for tomorrow's KB session.

Given the sprinting today, not exactly sure what I will do with the DB 24kg CL/ PR / SQ complex tomorrow. Originally I had planned on 2/1/3 with squatting being the emphasis.  Given the pulling and sprinting today, it actually may make a little sense to go with a press emphasis tomorrow, 2/3/1.  I think I will go a little bit by feel on this and see how I am feeling with a few TGUs, goblet squats and other things to get warmed up and then make a decision.

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