Wednesday, June 25, 2014

6/25/14 Wednesday June 25, 2014 (DB 20kg complex CL / PPR / FSQ)

7:00am - Pain Free neck, hip, shoulder exercises, some OS resets - 60 minutes

8:30am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm

Arm bar 12 kg, 2+2

8:45am - Training session - 20kg DB CL, PR, FSQ complex

20kg TGU 1/1
20kg TK PR, 2/2
20kg GSq, 5
20kg SL DL, 5/5
2H 20kg SW, 10, 10 (first swings in weeks and weeks)
20kg PPR, 3/3

Arm hangs from the balcony

15 minutes:
DB 20kgs CL 3, PPR 3, FSQ, 3

Got 8 rounds done.  24 DB CL, 24 DB PPR, 24 DB FSQ.

20kg waiter's walk carries, 1 minute, 1/1

Arm hangs from the balcony

9:15am - Complete

Notes - Interesting day. Despite going to bed early last night and sleeping pretty well, didn't feel that recovered this morning.  Seriously took me forever to get moving.  Tuesday was another mentally challenging day with work, body work appt. could have taken something out of me too.  Man my recovery is pretty shitty these days.  In any event eventually I got going and had it in my mind to sub out the DB PR for the DB push press in the complex, and change the rep scheme, to give me something a little bit different.  I didn't want a bunch of heavy overhead grinds (yet) at this point in time, and with the leg work I have been doing, felt like the PPR would be a pretty good option to get some weight overhead without overtaxing my upper body too much with a heavy grind set.  Honestly I think this worked out pretty well.  Keep the reps even with DB CL, into PPR, ending with FSQ (always end with the FSQ, a bitch, those bells want to spill on you by that point).  Also I told myself nothing heavier than 20s.  Just keep it simple right now, work on technique, save the 24kgs and up for later when I am really feeling better, recovered etc.  Even did a few 2H swings in the warm up and those felt pretty good.  I may be ready for some low rep 2H SW with the 24kg tomorrow, we'll see how I feel.  

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