Friday, June 20, 2014

6/20/14 Friday June 20, 2014 (24kg GSq, RR, SL DL, DB FSq 24kgs)

8:00am - Pain Free neck, hip, shoulder exercises - 60 minutes

9:00am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm

Arm bar 12 kg, 2+2

9:45am - Training session - practice with 24kgs

24kg TGU to knee, 1/1, x 2
24kg GSq, 5
24kg Renegade Row, 3/3 (off hand on box)
24kg GSq, 5
24kg Renegade Row, 3/3 (off hand on box)
24kg SL DL, 5/5

DB 24kgs FSq, 5

Add in a couple of hangs from a balcony between sets (like a pull up bar hang)

10:15am - Complete

4:15pm - 4:45pm - casual walk at Greenlake (1 1/2 miles)

Notes - Well, I went for it today.  Went to bed too late, wasn't pleased with that, have to get back on the horse which I will.  With that said, slept in, this is my last planned day of vacation, so got plenty of rest.  Body felt pretty good, I had done some yard work for a couple of hrs yesterday afternoon to catch up on not having done any for about 3 weeks while I have been healing.  Wondered how that would affect me, didn't seem to have a huge impact.  Got warmed up, tried some TGUs with the 24kg after experimenting with the 24 yesterday, felt good, decided to go for it - 24kgs for the work load today, let's see what happens.  Reps on the GSq and the SL DL again felt very good.  Rows, not so sure, I did plan on dropping the reps down which I did to sets of 3.  Not sure if it really is the weight, I simply think that particular movement is a little challenging for me on both sides right now as the R scapula area continues to calm down and normalize.  I will continue to lightly test it but this is not one to push right now.  On the other hand, damn, these front squats.  Reps just felt outstanding.  On the cleans, really focused on a good start, use the hips, land the bells softly in the rack.  Zip it all up, big chest, get very tight with the glutes, and get into the hole by pulling into it, do not bounce, stay tight and get into lockout.  I really like the feeling on these of the glute tightness and really using the lats, lower lats, to keep a tight rack, keep the bells close without spilling.  That feeling in those muscles is really, really good and this movement does not seem to be bothering me at all, hopefully on the contrary this practice helps get me stronger.  Great movement, no need to go overhead much right now outside of TGUs and maybe some controlled low rep TK PR.  I may test a complex Monday, the classic 2 DB CL, 1 PR, 3 SQ, just to see how a little bit of cleaning and pressing feels, and mix up just a bit from doing almost all squatting.  Really just depends on how the weekend goes, hoping to get a lot of recovery in and feel very rested on Monday.   This was a big week in other ways as I completed all of the financial information necessary for Jill and I to resume mediation proceedings, which I got to her on Wed.  That was a big weight off my shoulders to have that done, and continue pushing this forward so I can get on the other side of this as soon as possible.

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