Wednesday, June 18, 2014

6/17/14 Tuesday June 17, 2014 (16kg TGUs, TK PR, long walk)

8:00am - Pain Free neck, hip, shoulder exercises - 45 minutes

8:45am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm

Arm bar 12 kg, 2+2

9:30am - Osteopath appt

11:00am - Acupuncture appt

2:15pm - Training session - practice with 16kgs

16kg TGU to knee, 1/1, including a press at the top of the lockout

TK PR16kg, 1/1 x 5

2:35pm - Complete

3:15pm - 4:15pm - brisk walk around Greenlake (3 1/2 miles)

Notes - Writing this on Wed afternoon. Lots of different experiences these days. Felt better waking up - good sign.  Better sleep last night, got to bed at 11:15pm - closer to the goal of 11pm.  Slept in a bit, but woke up to give myself sufficient time for a good stretch out and warm up, then went and saw the Osteopath.  Kind of an interesting experience.  Told him the full story including going back to 1999 when I was in college and woke up for a semester exam in December of my senior year, turned my neck and felt a sharp pain in that same spot in my scap.  Total stress response.  I was studying for finals, had the CPA exam looming, graduation, moving to a new city, starting a new job, and got married - all of that stuff happened within a 6 month period. It was insane.  It took my body years, literally, to get back.  With that said I am much more "equipped" now with self awareness and a history of training, reading, lot of people in my life that have positively influenced me.  Honestly a ton of this has occurred in the last 2 years since I first met Ross Meyer in November 2011 and started then training with kettlebells in January 2012.  It's been a great journey, and I am just getting started.  This situation is definitely reminding me to pay very close attention to how my body is feeling, what it is telling me, and to go with it - be more in touch.  There is going to be a lot of lessons learned here, and I am going to be better for it. Anyway, the osteo was intrigued by all that as well as my history of playing a lot of baseball as a kid - lots of catching and pitching.  Frankly I probably have some ingrained stuff in my body from the asymmetrical motions of baseball, that twisting and turning, and in the R scap area there is probably plenty of scar tissue built up from years and years.  So playing softball for the first time this year earlier in the week when this current "injury" occurred is not a surprise - probably triggered some old patterns and my body just seized up and went into flight or fight mode.  Now for sure all the emotional stuff is a huge factor in all of this, as is running myself too hard, not getting quality sleep, running my body down.  So there is a big picture to consider.  Bottom line the osteo turned up pretty much nothing and said, yep, your muscles are a hell of a lot tighter than the average person, this may be some pre disposition on your part and just years of accumulation.  Certainly my job as a CPA is not conducive, which is why the KBs are so great because they get me out of flexion, sitting, all of the terrible shit that happens from that.  He said all of the things I am doing make sense, keep doing them. He also prescribed a muscle relaxer and I have not filled the prescription.  I don't want to mask symptoms.  This shit needs to play itself out naturally and I need to let the body do what it is going to do naturally.  Had my acupuncturist Dave check me out after the osteo and we did some great work there, really got relaxed.  I then took Dave out for lunch, my treat.  He is a good man.  Got a few chinese herbs from him to help the healing process and that I am totally down with.  Got home, felt good enough to do some light work with the 16kg TGUs and presses, wanted to see how those felt.  They felt good, very encouraging.  I like the tall kneeling presses because they really make me use my abs, stay tight, get that good rack position to press from.  This stays in, I think that press in particular is the one to help me on my road back.  Not too heavy, just really nail that technique down.  Although I was "hurt" doing a press, I don't want to be afraid of those per se.  Now with that said, ballistics don't feel like the right thing right now so no swings, cleans for reps, or snatches.  Need to let some things heal up.

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