Tuesday, February 4, 2014

2/4/14 Tuesday February 4, 2014 (24kg SL DLs superset with SW variations)

6:45am - Original Strength and Primal Move - 15 minutes (abbreviated)

7:00am - Kettlebell warm up ("Standard")

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 12 kg, 5X each leg

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 16 kg, 5X each leg
Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm

Arm bar 12 kg, 1+1

7:20am - Training session - Focus on super setting 24kg SL DLs, SW combos up to 100 reps

TGU 24kg, 2+2

2X of the following superset:

24kg SL DLs, 3/3
2H SW 24kg, 10
1H SW 24kg, 10/10
H2H SW 24kg, 10/10

100 total SW reps

7:45am - Complete

Notes -  My body is feeling better and this was good stuff, particularly on the SL DLs. I MUST do this movement multiple times a week and with load is even better than body weight.  I literally had a spring in my step all day and some tightness I was feeling in my back and R leg has really alleviated.  I do not know why but the SL DLs are really, really good for my body.  I checked my training log and it has been nearly two weeks since I did these at all and longer with load.  This was my first time using the 24kg and it went well.  Very controlled motions, it was tough, but the reps were pretty good.  I can stay at this weight for awhile and just really try to hone the technique as it could be much better.


  1. how are you holding the kb for the sl dl's? One bell in two hands or in one hand. if so which side? these are next on my list as well

    1. Mark, I am using a small box and holding 1 KB in one hand, opposite to the leg that stays planted on the ground (I think this is called "contra-lateral"?). I really put some tension into the off arm, somewhat like what you would do on a 1-arm KB press. Now that I am using a 24kg bell, I am keeping the reps short, about 3 per side. I really, really like this movement because the weight is "light" but it is challenging and shows a lot of asymmetries, balance issues etc. Doing these more often is really helping me. I will be intrigued to see if you add them, if you notice any body changes. I feel they really work my glutes well and I just feel "put together" after doing them. Some people do these with a KB in each hand but interestingly I have found better benefits for me personally by keeping it to one bell.

      Thanks for commenting on my blog!

  2. first off is your name Chris? Sorry but I feel bad that I don't know your name for sure.

    I do want to put these in the mix but not sure where in my schedule as I am adding so much ( pullups, lunges, snatch holds) that are crucial although this move looks to be very important as well.
    I couldn't do it before on my left side and didn't want my right to get even stronger.
    I have little experience with it. Pavel told me he likes the ipsilateral versiona and not the contra lateral ( that you are doing) but I will have to see.seems like the contra lateral version is more popular.
    also the two hand one bell hold in front should work as well
    will be reading your blog regularly now :)

  3. Haha yes, it is Chris - the title of the blog probably should incorporate my name to remove confusion... it could also be shortened but I like it:)
    I can understand the need to judiciously add and subtract movements carefully so you can actually measure and assess the impact of each modification. I am starting to think I should "do these every day" as part of my mobility work because they seem to be that important for me personally. Doesn't even need to require load every day, body weight is also very useful for me. Interesting comments about Pavel's preference. I stand to attention whenever his name is mentioned or I am reading his works, so I will have to talk to my SFG Kevin Knapp and see what he thinks. I am not familiar with holding one bell in front with two hands, again I will be looking into this.
    It is a real honor that you some value in the content I am putting out that you may read the blog from time to time. Seriously, that is really cool.

  4. chris

    cool that is what I thought, and yes with limited recovery ability and training time what I put in the actual "workout" has to be very specific. of course it is always changing according to need.
    I was using barbell curls for a few months as they seemed to help my shoulder, then, not, so I took them out.
    same with snatch holds took them out now it seems I need to put them in.this is the basis of WSB conjugate training and it works for me.
    plus I do tons of mobility work prior to work and during the day so unloaded stuff is VERY important to me.

    and your blog and training reminds me of mine so I am biased towards it :)
