Monday, February 24, 2014

2/24/14 Monday February 24, 2014 (BU PR 16kg, PR 28kg, heavy 1H SW ladder)

6:05am - Original Strength and Primal Move - 75 minutes (ridiculous amount of extra time on the foam roller, lacrosse ball, lots of trigger point release work, long OS resets etc

7:20am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 12 kg, 1+1
Crooked arm bar 12kg, 3+3 with press

7:35am - Training session - Focus on superset BU PR 16kg / PR 28kg, finish with heavy 1H SW ladder

TGU 16kg, 1+1 including marching in place, about 30 seconds per arm
DB DL 36kg / 32 kg, 5 x 2

5X of the following superset:
BU PR 16kg, 2/2
PR 28kg, 4/4

Total of 10 BU PR with the 16kg per arm, and 20 PR with the 28kg per arm

1H SW ladders, 3x as follows:
28kg, 10/10
36kg, 5/5
32kg, 5/5

120 swings total 60 per arm

8:25am - Complete

Notes -  And so the new cycle begins.... simply put this was not easy.  So to start, I woke up feeling pretty good actually, ok sleep, after getting a ton of sleep Sat night.  Once I got started through on the foam roll and lacrosse ball I realized just how knotted up I was in a number of spots.  I typically get the DOMs from running two days after, not the day after, and it seems that was the case.  I was frustrated with how long it took to warm up, didn't feel bad, but just kind of had a feeling that I needed to take the warm up time because I knew the strength work was going to be pretty demanding.  In fact it was demanding but I also did not push the time, just took rest breaks, did fast and loose between sets, and in general just took my time today as fortunately I had time to take.  I now have a better baseline for next week and I will have to work hard to speed this whole process up by quite a bit, at least 45 minutes if not more like an hour shorter.  With that said it was an excellent start to the cycle.  Have not trained the BU PR in quite some time and so I decided to go with a weight I knew I would handle, the 16kg, and focus on getting the technique back and really squeezing the handle very hard with my ring and pinkie fingers.  Those reps were strong.  I will move up to the 20kg next week.  I was supersetting those with 1 arm PR with the 28kg, and used the first set to "feel" an appropriate rep number, and decided on 4/4.  I was very pleased as that was just the right amount of work, and was able to get all reps in for all 5 sets without any failed reps, and it never got to the point where I was concerned I would fail.  My technique was better, strong cleans, right into the press, good tension in glutes, off hand, etc. and better pressing from the lats too.  I think the row work, the pull-ups, the push-ups are all helping with lat awareness, engagement, strength etc.  I finished this with 3 sets of heavy 1H SW ladders, using the 28kg, 36kg, and 32kg.  120 reps total.  Certainly felt very strong with the 28kg and 32kg, 36kg, this was the first time swinging with multiple reps, I felt I had pretty good authority with the bell but it certainly was heavy and noticeably more than the 32kg.  Good to get some practice with it, I will get more comfortable.  Lots of rest needed between now and Wed morning.

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