Friday, December 27, 2013

12/27/13 Friday December 27, 2013 (training with Kevin - baseline SN test)

Checked my training log and I last trained with Kevin on Wed November 27 - a little over a month.

Before meeting Kevin at 6:30am I slept in, so really didn't get warmed up at all.  That is a little frustrating to me because I have done that several times before training with him and it just takes me too long to warm up, really kind of a waste of time when we could be training some lifts.  I need to get that fixed but I am tired as hell from the holidays and couldn't get it moving this morning.

6:40am - Training session with Kevin.  We did some basic primal move and other mobility work for while and then got into things.  Kevin did tune up my Bretzel with several modifications that I think will be useful - staying tight in the pre-stretch phase, getting the legs at 90/90, supporting the raised leg with a foam roller.  All good tips.

We then did a series of arm bars, then TGUs, goblet squats and then 1H SW with the 16 kg.  Then did TGUs, goblets, and 2H SW with the 24 kg.

We then did some snatches with the 20 kg, then the 24 kg, and then got warmed up for the real event of the day - a baseline 5 minute Snatch test with the 24 kg.  The goal - 100 reps in 5 minutes.

Anti climatic a bit as I got 80 reps.  I actually felt pretty good physically and checking the logs the last time I snatched the 24 kg was Friday December 13 where I got 114 snatches in 12 minutes using a 3/3, 6/6 ladder approach.  I felt pretty shitty about my 80 reps in 5 minutes today until I realized that my pace for 5 minutes 2 weeks ago was 48 reps.  So in that sense maybe today was not so bad.  Clearly I have something to work toward as I have a 20% improvement I need to achieve.  Kevin thought it was a good baseline today so that was encouraging.  I was pretty pissed because the limiting factor was the callous on my R hand under the middle finger, which continues to be my toughest hand issue.  I have been working the pumice stone in the shower but have to keep focused on hand care and really need to clean that callous up completely.  I truly think the damn thing cost me at least 10 reps alone as I was getting pretty worried about tearing it, it was distracting, and on every descent the damn thing was pulling and it hurt.  If I can get that cleaned up it will be nice to see where I can get on my next snatch test.

7:45am - Finish.  OK day, needed to get warmed up, be on time, not waste time with Kevin and also need to get the callous all the way cleaned up.  So, just an ok day but I did come out of this knowing I am not too far off of snatch test requirements for the SFG.  Kevin keeps encouraging me to pick a date and sign up for the cert.  San Diego in late Feb seems quick, the next one is Chicago in April.  I need to make a decision and go for it.

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