Wednesday, February 25, 2015

2/25/15 Wednesday February 25, 2015 (24/28kg circuit, SN 28kg 4/4 10 mins (PR) )

5:50am - FMS drills (belly breathing, soft tissue work, t-spine, 1/2 kneeling) - 40 minutes (extra work on the lacrosse ball and form roller)

6:30am - Kettlebell warm up

16kg KB hold behind back with 2H, stretch neck and thoracic area, 2 mins

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm

Arm bar 12 kg, 1+1
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:45am - Training session - 24/28kg circuit, SN 28kg 4/4 10 minutes

24kg TGU, 1/1
24kg Renegade rows, 5/5
28kg 1H SW, 10/10

24kg SN, 1/1, very long pauses at lockout to stretch out

28kg SN, 4/4, 10 minutes, as many sets as possible

10 sets - 40/40 total or 80 reps (PR)

28kg farmer carry, 1 minute, 1/1
24kg farmer carry, 1 minute, 1/1

7:15am - Complete

Notes - I could practically write the same notes as I had last week.  Really tight today.  I did a stretch holding the 16kg behind my back with 2H for about 2 minutes, it really helped.  I need to keep doing this.  Once I got mobilized I felt good.  I went out and moved quickly and ended up really having a great training session, and felt better than before I started.  Nailed 80 reps of the 28kg by going on the minute for 10 minutes at a 4/4 pace.  Really great reps, strong, good pauses, very good lockouts.  This is a better thing for me when snatching, to not really be racing but working on technique.  This was very encouraging. Looking to get some soft tissue work done this week to help some of the tightness. 

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